Friday, August 17, 2012

Knights To The Rescue.....

Happy Friday everyone.  The Arc of Rowan had some special visitors recently.  They were Sir William Shaver, Knight Almoner and his merry band from the Knightly Order of the Fiat Lux .  

They came by the office to present Shela Sapp, The Arc of Rowan's Assistant Director with a check for $650.00 to fund two scholarships for the Summer Day Program.  This is the third year they have done this.  Everyone at The Arc of Rowan wants to send out a great big THANKS.  While I didn't get to be in the picture, I was there when it all happened.  

Here's a picture for you to enjoy....

That's it for today!   Have a great weekend everyone. -Michael

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Lending a Helping Hand......

Hey there everyone, Mr. Rob here today.  Michael wanted me to pass along some pictures of the 2012 Summer Food Drive.  

Here is a report of the action from Mrs. Jane.....

The Summit Civitans and RHA teamed up for a Summer Food Drive. They have been providing food for needy families (with I/DD) at Thanksgiving and Christmas for several years.  This year they realized the need was great and pulled together a tremendous  amount of food for The Arc  of Rowan to distribute to needy families this summer.  The food donations have included many chickens to give away. Canned food and bottled water was included. Pictured is the unloading of the van full of food to The Arc of Rowan office.

Thank-you to our Community Guides for helping to distribute the food to families that could use some extra help during these hot days of summer.

Here are some pictures of our volunteers hard at work......

Once again thanks to everyone for all their help!!  -Michael

Monday, August 13, 2012

A Special Thanks......

Hey there, it's Michael here.  Hope your week is off to a good start. This is my last week of summer vacation. School starts for me next Monday. UGH!  

Mr. Rob said I should make a special post to give a great big THANKS to the three wonderful site managers who looked after everyone at this years Summer Day Camp.  

A special thanks for sure to Ms. Wanda, Ms. Carolyn, and Ms. Sandra.  You are the best site managers ever.  

Thanks for checking in today.  More Summer Day pictures to come. 
