Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas Lights at Charlotte Motor Speedway

Hey there everyone, it's Michael.  I hope everyone had a great Holiday.  I know I sure had fun.  If you remember, I went with the Rowan Brain Injury Support Group to look at Christmas Lights at Charlotte Motor Speedway.  Well the pictures Mrs. Jane took did not do so good.  But Ms. Nadine sent some pictures that did much better, so I asked Mr. Rob to post a few here for you.

Here is a picture of me with the group who when to see the lights. They are a fun group.  Also, there are pictures of the tree they decorated at the Festival of Trees at the speedway.  That was fun too!!  Below are some more pictures.

Many thanks to Ms. Nadine for the pictures.  

Mr. Rob here with some information about the Rowan Brain Injury Support Group.
They meet the fourth Thursday of each month.   If the meeting is near a holiday, then the group meets a week earlier.   
                                   Location:  Easter Seals Offices, 620 W. Innes St. Salisbury, NC
                                   Contact:  Nadine Cherry, 680-622-7732  email:
                                   Mailing Address:  410 W. Garden Street, Landis, NC  28088

Here is the web address for the Brain Injury Association of North Carolina:  

Mr. Rob